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Inamorata Sharing Wigs with Other 16" Dolls

Updated: May 4, 2021

One of the most common questions I get asked is: "can Inamorata can share wigs with other 16 inch dolls?" Here is a video of Popovy Sister's Bluejay trying on a variety of Inamorata wigs to illustrate the size and shape. Other dolls that share the head size include Marmite Sue's Menagerie Dolls, Deva, Ficon and ModDolls. If you know any other dolls that can share Inamorata wigs please let us know in the comments.

I have been filming a lot of tutorial material about doll making, such as posing, hard cap wigs process, experimenting with protective resin coating, etc. So many projects in the editing queue and so little time! Let me know if you have any technical requests or questions about Inamorata you'd like to see as videos.

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